Tuesday, February 8, 2011

35 Facts about Tattoos

1) A cheeseburger specializing restaurant in Ohio gives 25 % discount for a lifetime for anybody having a cheeseburger tattoo and a tattoo parlor close by gives 25 % discount for cheeseburger tattoos.
2) Tattoo inks are not actually vegetable dyes or inks, but are solid suspended color metal salts & plastics particles.
3) No HIV cases was reported due to tattooing, but was reported 3 times for dentist cases.
4) Nowadays, number of women getting tattoos is more than men.
5) Tattooing is a Small Medial Process.
6) Oklahoma banned tattooing as illegal until 2006.
7) New Zealand’s Lucky Diamond Rich, the most tattooed guy in the globe after losing all the space in his body started having dark tattoos on light ones’ and vice versa.
8) The World Record of inking 577 tattoos in one day was set by Robbie "the coon" Koch by beating Kat Von D of LA Ink TV show. Until 2009, the world inking 801 tattoos in a single day was set by Hollis Cantrell, with the last one on his thigh.
9) A mummy-made iceman with 58 dots & lined tattoos of 3300 BC is recorded as the 1st to have had tattoos.
10) A machine found by Thomas Edison on 1876 is considered to be the Tattooing machine with later modifications on 1891 by Samuel O’Reilly.
11) Australia’s gifted artist Melanie Grieveson set a record of 43 hrs & 50 min longest duration for tattooing Stephen Grady.
12) A casino famous for its peculiar promotions, on 2005, Golden Palace gave USD 10,000 to Kimberly Smith for having tattooed “Golden Palace.Com” on her forehead in order to pay for her daughter’s studies.
13) Just like the dots on a dice, Tomas Edison had 5 dots on his forearm.
14) Lip tattoos’ lifetime is between 1 and 5 yrs and needs constant retouch with cosmetic liners.
15) Mistranslation is 2nd general cause for tattoo removal.
16) Channel has released series of stylish momentary tattoos, USD 75 for 55 tattoos.
17) Modern tattoo devices will use 1 to 10 needles, whereas olden devices used upto 27 needles.
18) NYC’s Anil Gupta is costliest tattoo artist who get USD 350/hr.
19) When tattooing, the blood caused of shades should last only few minutes and the edges should not bleed at all.
20) Considering 2006, at least 1/4th of total women aged 18 to 50 have a tattoo.
21) The 1st white man to get a Chinese character tattooed is James Polk, the Ex-President of USA.
22) A Brothel from Cologne in German gives its client with free lifetime entrance (USD 6.25) for those having their business logo tattooed and discounts for lap dances (USD 25).
25) From the time Lycos begun tracking Search Engines, ‘tattoo’ word appeared in top 10 frequent searches.
26) Republicans are less probable to have a tattoo than Democrats, 18 % to 14 %.
27) US Marine Corp on Jan 23 2010 banned anybody having a full sleeve tattoo to be an officer and also banned tattoos on fingers, tongue, wrists and hands.
28) Kimberly Vlaminck on Jul 17 2009 sued a Romanian Tattoo Artist for the 56 stars that he inked, as she originally asked for only 3, but was later found that she lied and asked for 56 stars only.
29) Janis Joplin, a singer from Blues got a little heart tattoo on her left chest and a wristlet tattoo.
30) Practicing tattooing in an unlicensed parlor or without a license is an offense in Oregon.
31) Paris Hilton had a tattoo ‘Nick Carter’, name of her boy friend on her right butt cheek and later was removed by Laser.
32) A tattoo covering the mid torso to the knees of body section, pe’a the conventional Samoan tattoo will take 90 days to get complete and 365 days to heal fully. The tattoo session would be from day to night and will resume the next day, unless it needs time for healing.
33) During the 2002 "most beautiful people in the world” survey, 8/top 10 had a tattoo.
34) Modern tattoos do not turn blue when they become old, except they are blue at the first place, as the modern inks are more constant.
35) Captain John Cook added the word ‘tattoo’ to Oxford English Dictionary on 1769.